Friday, November 29, 2019


Battistelli doesn't make drastic changes to her already successful style, but instead hones and focuses her sound into what she does best. But most of all, her songs are just too fun to ignore, focused on her faith without taking herself too seriously. Essentially, it's a similar message to "Free to Be Me," but revisited to shift the focus from the teenage quest for identity to the frustrations of a modern woman. The youthful dreams of finding love in her past song "Someday Soon" are replaced by the reflective "Worth It," a song that focuses on the challenges of love, and "Hundred More Years" brings those dreams into reality with a wistful longing to make the moments of love last " for a hundred more years. Lyrically, Battistelli's new focus is not so set on future dreams and identity anymore. Beneath the glistening pop veneer, the heartbeat of her new songs is to enjoy life, embrace love, and not let the little frustrations of life get in the way, a message that resonates with a fast-paced life if one slows down long enough to listen. someday soon francesca battistelli free mp3

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Скачать бесплатно Francesca Battistelli — Someday Soon mp3

That farncesca mean the songs on Hundred More Years fall into a sound-alike trap though. Battistelli knows her audience and comfortable musical ground and gives it her best.

It's not terribly deep, but it has a contagious quality that is sure to resonate with the core Christian radio crowd. Essentially, it's a similar message to "Free to Be Me," but revisited to shift the focus from the teenage quest for identity to the frustrations of a modern woman. Battistelli doesn't make someda changes to her already successful style, but instead hones and focuses her sound into what she does best.

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She now writes on the present and slowing down to enjoy battiatelli and love, perhaps another progression for someone who has encountered so much fast change in her life. But most of all, her songs are just too fun to ignore, focused on her faith without taking herself too seriously.

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In the tradition of her debut's opener "Free to Be Me," a pop tune about finding freedom and self-acceptance in spite of imperfections osmeday dented fenders, Somrday More Years starts off presenting another side to the story.

A more focused sound and mature lyrics don't detract from the bubbly style of her debut, but instead offer her work a new dimension. Hundred More Years isn't going to churn up deep discussions or make big challenges, but that was never Francesca Battistelli's style anyway.

Perhaps these things aren't so earth-shattering after all. A sparkling ukelele solo leads the way in "This is the Stuff," straight into a sort of confessional lyric: Gotee Records' Cochren and Co. When Francesca Battistelli 's debut My Paper Heart released three years ago, the young singer-songwriter burst onto the scene with a confidence fitting one with a name that means "free to hit the stars.

She gives her own twist to a proven pop sound, staying fresh and current enough frncesca keep up with her peers, yet accessible enough to satisfy Christian radio listeners. Lyrically, Battistelli's new focus is not so set on future dreams and identity anymore.

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Music Out This Week. Hundred More Years ushers spring in with a smile and offers a refreshing break to the weary soul. Gone are the moments of style deviation that occasionally showed up on My Paper Heart ie: Beneath the glistening pop veneer, the heartbeat of her new songs is to enjoy life, embrace love, and not let battiwtelli little frustrations of life get in the way, a message that resonates with a fast-paced life if one slows down soln enough to listen.

The youthful dreams of finding love in her past song "Someday Soon" are replaced by the reflective "Worth It," a song that focuses on the challenges of love, and "Hundred More Years" brings those dreams into reality with a wistful longing to make the moments of love last " for a hundred more years.

This Is The Stuff 3: The intervening three years brought a rush of changes:

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