Sunday, December 1, 2019


The rest of the related assemblies will be installed in C: Open up a command prompt and navigate to C: To get the right assemblies installed a did the following steps:. And it all works. Is this the intended behaviour? I have not seen a microsoft sqlserver sqlclrprovider

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As a result, I added References to three dlls. Email Required, but never shown. Sign in to vote. Google for a version appropriate SQL Server Feature Packhidden somewhere on the download page will be links to the Shared Management Objects redistributable; install that. I have sqllclrprovider version sqlclrprovidder Soruk Soruk 66 1 1 silver badge 4 4 bronze badges.

Dig up the directory path for that assembly name and you'll find a real live dll! I wanted to make an embedded script in powershell and stumble upon your same problem. Joel Harkes Joel Harkes 7, 2 2 gold badges 33 33 silver badges 50 50 bronze badges.

However, I found the I guess it's not sqlserved best thing to do if you need to execute your script in different environments. I had this problem too.

Could not load file or assembly 'Provider'

Thursday, August 14, 7: AlexK - Do i have to install that on the production server? It is xcopy deployable for my needs restarting SQL Server during an install but I'm guessing since MS has a nice msi for these things they want you to use them as pre-reqs, BUT you can still get around it by digging through the gac and deploying with your app.

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Btw, I have found in assemblies Hossein Shahdoost Hossein Shahdoost 1, 15 15 silver badges 28 28 bronze badges. The application has got referenced assemblies from: How to solve this problem?

microsoft sqlserver sqlclrprovider

Ran into one more issue that is related to this mess. I had the same issue. This error was fixed by copying the dll from the. Charles Gagnon Charles Gagnon 2, 1 1 gold badge 12 12 silver badges 7 7 bronze badges. And it all works. Monday, November 30, 6: If you make your program to use only 9.

If there is SQLServer on the target machine you must use v10 libraries otherwise you would get this error. I had the same problem and finally figured it out. Hope this helps someone! I have not seen a No idea why it wasn't installed there in the first place though.

Including SQL Server 2012 SMO libraries in your .net solution

It worked well, and does not require installing anything separate on production server. I did have SSMS installed. Thanks in Advance Senthil.

microsoft sqlserver sqlclrprovider

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